EEG Test Through Emotiv Headset [Video]

The Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test to analysis brain’s activity through electrodes applied to the scalp. It is completely painless process and doesn’t damage your hair. It is a safe with no side effects. It can be used to diagnose the following conditions:
1. Alzheimer's disease 
2. Sleep disorder 
3. Head injuries 
4. Brain infections 
5. Brain death 
6. Stroke etc.  

You can use Emotiv headset to know your brain activity and improve mental ability. It is also useful in meditation. Emotiv has developed a Research SDK which includes a headset to perform EEG test. Below is a video from 3D Lab, University of Michigan showing application of Emotiv headset to get EEG.

Another video from  


  1. may i know whether this headset is harmful in any way? can it be used for long hours?

  2. Emotiv headset uses non-invasive sensors. Therefore, it is harmless and can be used for long hours.

    1. This is categorically untrue. It is harmless in the sense that is doesn't penetrate your skin, absolutely. However, using it for several hours might mean you are exercising your facial muscles and/or trying to sustain certain brain states which can potentially be bad for you (give you headaches and such). Therefore, you should treat it as you would your Wii-fit or 3DS, stop when it starts to hurt :).

    2. If I got a headache from using it for 2 hours continuously, is this harmful? I started using it two days ago and I still can feel some of the headache!
